
Oct 27

Do You Really Need jQuery & Friends?

jQuery. Say that one "word" and any developer worth their salt will have an opinion on it. If you don't know what jQuery is, then this article ain't for you bro ("bro" is unisex by the way). If you've been stranded on a desert island and need your memory refreshed,…
Oct 17
Help! The resolution is changing! Optimimzing websites for high resolution displays

5 Ways to un-pixelate your website

Not too long ago our computer screens stared back at us with rows and rows of all-too-visible, glaringly obvious little pixels of light. Luckily technology has progressed very fast since then -- today we have a choice of very high resolution screens for our mobile phones, televisions, laptops, and desktops.…
Oct 13

Inside Grenade Part I: Google Apps

In my next few blog posts, I will be revealing some of the business processes and operations at Grenade and highlighting the key software as a service (SaaS) applications that we use. If you're an entrepreneur, freelancer or even a corporate executive, then this series is aimed at you! In…
Oct 06

Why We Love Laravel

Here at Grenade we love Laravel and we think that you should too! Laravel has been the big buzzword of the PHP community over the last couple of years. Although the framework is still young, according to a recent survey by Site Point it was the most popular PHP framework…
Sep 15

Mozjpeg FTW! Reduce JPEG Filesize, Not Quality

A Trip Down Memory Lane You wait all afternoon for that clock on the wall to strike 19:00. Einstein was right: time is relative to the observer. It seems like with each second that passes, a little extra time is added to the next one. The anticipation is excruciating... palms sweating...…
Sep 10

15 Things I Learnt at the 2014 South African eCommerce Conference

eCommerce is blowing up in South Africa at the moment. Noting the incredible stats and success stories of websites like NicSocks and YuppieChef, there has been an explosion of interest in niche markets and how best to get these products online. While the launch, running, and success of Mr Vinyl…
Sep 08

5 Tips for Creating an Effective Brand

A brand is far more than a logo or set of colours. It is a representation of the values your company, product, or yourself hold most dear. The purpose of your brand is to create an identity that gives others an opportunity to understand who you are. Hopefully, that understanding results in…
Sep 01

Sass: Do You Need CSS Superpowers?

With today's increasingly large and complex web applications, Cascading Style Sheets (CSS) is growing rapidly. Unfortunately, the code is becoming unmanageable, easily spanning thousands of lines. An array of browser incompatibilities, vendor prefixes, responsive web design and good practices such as progressive enhancement and graceful degradation, lead to bloated style…
Aug 25

Engagement is Key to Company Culture

Company culture is something that is very close to our hearts at Grenade, and if you're a business owner or work in a managerial position you should put a lot of time and energy into fostering a great culture, not simply leaving it to chance which is a fickle master.…